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last footprint: kind of 20 nov 2024


mini-documentary by Paul Sixta

exploration phase #1

developed as part of One Night's Dance,

co-produced by Dansateliers Rotterdam & Lloyds Company (June 2021)

this phase was presented as a series of 8 improvised performances based on a choreographic prototype was performed from 10-12 June and 17-20 June

thank you Merel, Lloyd, Maša, and Edwin

photos by aristos iatrou + screenshots of recording by paul sixta

BRIEVENBUS is a project curious about the intimacies within distance – not in spite of it but the specific intimacies that emerge only through layers of mediation. The brievenbus (letterbox) is a portal through which letters enter and exit in diverse forms, navigating the web of physical and virtual spaces in which we seek intimacy. We built a draft of this letterbox (4x6m, foldable) in June.


In early explorations at Dansateliers, with a 10-min performance frame, we searched for technologies of locating, reading, and performing presence through song, spoken text, movement sequences, film, animation, and scenography. We tore elements of presence across space-time, e.g. the performing of our song about an Icelandic volcano emerged in 6 misaligned parts – walking to the Performance Place, passing the ukulele, the arrival of the chair, the live voice, the recorded voice, and the spotlight. 


We propose moving away from absence; rather, my absence Here indicates I am busy being Present in other places. The choreographic prototype we created was preoccupied with misalignments like this. Based on this prototype, we performed 8 improvisation permutations (each a handwritten letter) that meandered rhizomatically through an attempt to make sense of distance, especially through the aestheticisation of DISASTER, which can be intimately beautiful when far-removed.


This segment has now closed. We plan to delve into the corporeality of the letterbox towards a durational performance-installation.


If you have somehow found your way here, are in a position to collaborate with us on furthering this project, please do remind us of its existence, so we can breathe life into this again!

prototytpe a.png
prototytpe d.png
volcano a1_edited_edited.png
volcano d_edited.png
volcano a2_edited_edited.png
live audience a_edited.png
live audience d.png
the distance that is just there d_edited
the distance that is just there a_edited
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disaster a.png
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